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Like an Animal in a Cage: Voices from Solitary Confinement

Tuesday, February 5, 2019 - 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Fox Valley Technical College, Room C190ABC (Entrance 15), Appleton

Join us as we watch the play, Like an Animal in a Cage: Voices from Solitary Confinement. Melissa Ludin from EXPO (Ex-Incarcerated People Organizing) will provide a first-hand account of the horrors she survived in solitary confinement.

A replica solitary confinement cell, created by Wisconsin’s Prison Ministry Project based on the exact specification of a segregation cell in a Wisconsin state prison, will be available for you to see, hear (there’s a sound track), and reflect on. Cell available beginning at 5:00 pm and after the program.


This event is part of the Pathways to Recovery Lecture Series, sponsored by Bev Kelley-Miller and the Megan Kelley Foundation. ESTHER and EXPO are co-sponsors of this event.

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