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Dr. Martin Luther King Celebration Fox Cities

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Monday, January 20, 2020 - 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Lawrence Memorial Chapel, 510 E College Ave, Appleton

Fox Cities 29th Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. CelebrationPlan to Attend the Fox Cities’s 29th celebration of Dr. King!

Special highlights:

  • Dr. Simon Balto, Assistant Professor of History and African American Studies at The University of Iowa will provide the keynote, “Restoring the Radical King.”
  • Worldwide noted activist, theologian, author, documentary filmmaker, and musician, Reverend Osagyefo Sekou, will provide musical inspiration for the evening through a generous donation from Cory Chisel and The Refuge in Appleton.
  • Community awards and essay contest finalists
  • Reception to follow

Free and open to the public. Sign-language interpreter provided.

Sponsored by African Heritage, Inc., and Lawrence University.

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