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ESTHER: Celebrating 20 Years!

Justice, Hope and Action

Events we're highlighting as part of our twentieth anniversary

27th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration

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Monday, January 15, 2018 - 6:30pm - 7:45pm
Lawrence University Memorial Chapel, Appleton

Aly Wane speaking at a rally“Those Who Have Been Left Out”

The 2018 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Celebration is sponsored by Celebrate Diversity Fox Cities, African Heritage, Inc. and the Lawrence University Diversity Center. The event is free, and the public is invited to attend. The keynote speaker for this year's event will be Aly Wane, s noted speaker, activist, and organizer originally from Senegal. Mr. Wane has worked with various human rights groups including the Syracuse Peace Council, American Friends Service Committee, and the Black Alliance for Just Immigration.

See also the Facebook event for this celebration.

For the soul of a nation, NO deportation

Sunday, January 28, 2018 - 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Fox Valley UU Fellowship, 2600 E. Phillip Lane, Appleton

For the soul of a nation,
NO deportation

Is tearing families apart and turning away talented individuals the solution to our broken immigration system? What are we going to miss if we are not ALL here?

Join us for an interfaith community event as we come together to hear the stories of DACA recipients, discuss the future of the program, and learn now to advocate for the passage of a clean DREAM ACT. Stand in solidarity with our dreamers, friends, and neighbors.

Presented by ESTHER, Unidos Por Un Futuro Mejor, and Winnebago Worship Group Religious Society of Friends.


The Power of Grace: Play and Discussion

Saturday, January 27, 2018 - 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 2600 E Phillip Ln, Appleton

Power of Grace

A group of women formerly incarcerated in Illinois will share their thoughts and feelings about being incarcerated when a play called “The Power of Grace” is presented by ESTHER-Fox Valley and Fox Cities EXPO (Ex-Prisoners Organizing). The presentation is supported by a Bright Idea Fund grant from the Community Foundation and will be follow by a panel discussion.

The short theatrical piece was created from poetry written by the women. The script communicates the story of incarcerated women to the general public in order to break down stereotypes and encourage awareness regarding the U.S. criminal justice system. Presented from the prisoner’s point of view, the play is a window into the personal experience of incarceration, and represents a ritual of self-liberation.

“Hands Around the Courthouse” for Children

Posted in
Wednesday, April 4, 2018 - 4:45pm - 5:30pm
Outagamie County Administration Building, 410 S Walnut St, Appleton

Open hands cradling green paper heartLink hands with others from the Fox Cities in symbolic solidarity against child abuse and neglect. The event is a project of CASA Fox Cities (“Court-Appointed Special Advocates”), to mark National Child Abuse Awareness & Prevention Month. CASA Fox Cities provides a voice for abused or neglected children in the Fox Cities.

Because of construction at the Outagamie County Court House and Justice Center this year, the event will be held at the “Old Courthouse” (now county administration building).

More information on the event Facebook page:

Voter Engagement Canvass

Posted in
Thursday, May 24, 2018 - 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Emmanuel United Methodist Church, 740 E College Ave, Appleton

ESTHER is looking for volunteers to participate in our second voter engagement canvass in Appleton.

Integrated Voter Engagement LogoIntegrated Voter Engagement (IVE) is a nonpartisan, volunteer-driven, direct voter contact program. It reaches out to those who feel most overlooked in our society and to working families typically ignored by partisan politics to say, “Your lives matter. Your vote matters.” It is among the most effec­tive ways to increase voter turnout. IVE groups like ESTHER train community members to reach out to their peers in a continuous, ongoing effort that increases the number of voters and leads to policy changes. The most effective IVE organizations add new people to the voter registration rolls, educate voters about election issues, make sure new and unlikely voters actually cast their ballots, and ensure that misinformation and intimidation don’t inhibit people from voting. In addition, IVE has a long-term impact by developing local leaders and involving people in shaping the public policy decisions that affect their lives.

I Want to Help

Like a similar canvass in November, this one will be conducted in Appleton’s Aldermanic District 2 (Ward 3 and a small part of Ward 1) near Edison School. We will gather at Emmanuel United Methodist Church at 5:30 for orientation and training, then fan out into the neighborhood from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.

Rally: Families Belong Together

Saturday, June 30, 2018 - 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Houdini Plaza, Downtown Appleton

Families Belong Together Banner

One of over 700 events around the country on June 30 where, together, we will raise our voices loud and clear and call for an end to family separations and to the suspension of due process at the border.

People of good conscience from across the country and across the political spectrum agree on this: Families belong together. We've got to make this clear to our government: Reunite families. Close family prison camps. And hold the abusers accountable.

People are welcome to speak about their experiences and share their thoughts. Please wear white to signify solidarity.

Sponsored by Forward Fox Valley

More information on the event Facebook page:

Madison Action Day 2019

Tuesday, March 26, 2019 - 9:00am - 4:00pm
Madison Masonic Center, 301 Wisconsin Ave, Madison

View of State Capital from Above

WISDOM’s Madison Action Day

A day of collective action with leaders across Wisconsin in our state capitol.

Time is Short - Register Now!

It’s less than a week until Madison Action Day! There’s already a large group going from the Fox Cities, you can still be part of it.

Here’s your chance to join leaders from all parts of Wisconsin in a day of action and movement-building to get our issues and values on the minds of legislators while they are making their budget decisions. We’ll be emphasizing the values of the Beloved Community: radical inclusion, reconciliation, and living for the seventh generation. $40 cost includes transportation. Sponsorships available on request.

Register Now!

Buses will be transporting people to the event from Appleton and Oshkosh. Click Read more below for details.

Follow Madison Action Day 2019 on Facebook.

Budget Action Workshop

Posted in
Saturday, March 2, 2019 - 10:00am - 4:00pm
Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 400 Hall, 2700 Northridge Dr, Kaukauna

tell your story. connect with others.
make an impact
on the 2019-2021 budget … and beyond.

BUDGET ACTION WORKSHOP detailsThis workshop offers changemaker training for all who want to be a voice for a budget our communities deserve.

Your voice is needed! The legislators and the new governor will take up the single most important piece of legislation this year: the biennial state budget. Our job is to make sure that the budget meets the needs of our children, our communities, and the efforts we support, including education, good roads, clean air & water, justice reform, healthcare and more.

If you can't make it to Kaukauka on March 2, additional training opportunities are being offered at:

  • Middleton, March 3
  • Eau Claire, March 9
  • Milwaukee, March 10

Register Now!

be the voice!

Help spread the word; download and share the attached flyer!

Joint Finance Committee Public Hearing

Posted in
Friday, April 5, 2019 - 10:00am - 5:00pm
Pontiac Convention Center, 2809 N Pontiac Drive, Janesville

Joint Finance Committee Hearing in the Southwest Region on the biennial State Budget.

Joint Finance Committee Public Hearing - Southeast

Posted in
Wednesday, April 10, 2019 - 10:00am - 5:00pm
Oak Creek Community Center, 8580 S Howell Ave, Oak Creek

Joint Finance Committee Hearing in the Southeast Region on the biennial State Budget.

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