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ESTHER: Celebrating 20 Years!

Justice, Hope and Action

Events we're highlighting as part of our twentieth anniversary

Joint Finance Committee Public Hearing - Northwest

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Monday, April 15, 2019 - 10:00am - 5:00pm
University of Wisconsin River Falls, University Center Riverview Ballroom, River Falls

Joint Finance Committee Hearing in the Northwest Region on the biennial State Budget.

Joint Finance Committee Public Hearing - Northeast

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Wednesday, April 24, 2019 - 10:00am - 5:00pm
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, University Union Phoenix Rooms, 2430 Campus Ct, Green Bay

Joint Finance Committee Green Bay Hearing Poster

Do you want to speak to members of Joint Finance committee about what you feel needs to be included in the state budget concerning criminal justice reform, transportation, or drivers’ licenses for all?

ESTHER is organizing a delegation from the Fox Cities to attend the hearing at UW-Green Bay on April 24 from 10 am to 5 pm. If you’d like to attend or participate, please sign up here, and someone will contact you to follow up.

If you can't make it in person, you can still let your voice be heard. Submit a video or written testimony and email to: Use subject heading TESTIMONY FOR 2019-2021 BUDGET.

Madison Action Day 2019 Exceeds Expectations!

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Crowd on the Capitol StepsAbout 750 WISDOM members from all parts of Wisconsin, including 70 from the Fox Cities, made a big impact in Madison on Tuesday, March 26. It was an amazing display of unity, shared purpose and of the power of organized people. In the morning, we heard from African-American, Latina, Native and Caucasian leaders from WISDOM and its affiliates from around the state challenging us to work towards the Beloved Community. After lunch, a 14-foot Jingle Dancer Puppet, brought by Native people of northwestern Wisconsin, led us in a blocks-long procession to the Capitol steps for a rally. With calls for racial equity echoing in our ears and pledges to keep lifting our voices surging in our hearts, we finished by visiting the offices of nearly every member of the Wisconsin Assembly and Senate. Read the WPR story about MAD2019 here.

Statewide Budget Listening Tour - Governor Evers/Lt. Governor Barnes

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Tuesday, April 23, 2019 - 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Oshkosh Seniors Center, 200 N. Campbell Rd., Oshkosh

Governor Tony Evers is bringing his Statewide Budget Listening Tour to Northeast Wisconsin. Residents are invited to share their thoughts on Evers’ proposed state budget in Oshkosh on Tuesday, April 23. The listening session will be held at the Oshkosh Seniors Center from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. with doors opening at 4:45 p.m.

Those interested in attending can register online.

Day Without Latinxs & Immigrants

Wednesday, May 1, 2019 - 11:00am
State Capitol, Madison

We’re pleased to pass on this information from Voces de la Frontera about the May 1 day of action in Madison

The May 1st Day without Latinxs & Immigrants to restore driver licenses and state IDs for all in Wisconsin is next Wednesday, May 1!

On Wednesday we'll rally at the Capitol in Madison at 11am, gathering at the State Street entrance. Are you coming from outside of Madison? We have buses coming from 19 cities across the state. Click here to reserve your spot on a bus! 

May 1st will be a Day without Latinxs and Immigrants. This means no work, no school, and no buying. This is a day to show the power of the contributions that immigrants and Latinx people make to Wisconsin. And it's a day for people of all backgrounds to stand in solidarity for civil rights and against discrimination. 

Click here to reserve your spot on a bus to Madison for May Day!

Under the Trump Administration, ICE has targeted people stopped for driving without a license for deportation and separation from their families. Restoring driver licenses for all will improve our state's economy, make our roads safer, and keep families together. 

Governor Evers has included restoring driver licenses and state ID cards for immigrants in his state budget proposal, but we still need to convince the Republicans in the state legislature to support it. That’s why we all need to show up in force—immigrants, families, and allies—on May 1st. Click here to reserve a spot on a bus.

Click here to share the May Day Facebook event.

Click here to find employer letters, student permission slips, flyers, and all the tools you need to help organize for May Day.

May 1st Day Without Latinxs & Immigrants—Driver Licenses for All!

No Work | No School | No Buying

Wednesday, May 1, 11am

State Capitol in Madison

Statewide bus information here

“Dark Money” Film Showing

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Sunday, May 5, 2019 - 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 2600 E Phillip Ln, Appleton

Dark Money Poster - Theatrical Release (WikiMedia)Much of the shape of our government is affected by special interest groups’ efforts to influence politicians. Too often there is little transparency about the sources of the money behind these efforts.

This film is a profound documentary about how American elections are bought and sold. The influence of dark money in Wisconsin plays a significant “co-starring role” in this Sundance-featured film.

The movie will be followed by a conversation about bringing ACTION to this issue, right here in the Fox Valley! Having just returned from the “Unrig The System” Summit in Nashville, Dr. Noel Marshall and Bob Warner will share the current resources available, the victories that have already occurred and the actions we can all take to bring democracy To, By and For The People. George Penn of Wisconsin United to Amend will discuss on-the-ground action opportunities here in Wisconsin.

Watch the movie trailer here.

Everyone is welcome. There is no cost.

June 4 Call-In Day for Transportation

Transportation Gets to ...After years in which billions of dollars have been poured into highway expansion projects, Wisconsin’s transportation system is not meeting our needs. From crumbling local roads to dangerous bridges to public transit routes being closed, our local modes of transportation have suffered because of these misplaced priorities. Additionally, people with disabilities, those who are outliving their ability to drive and those who cannot afford cars are being left out of important opportunities because their transportation options are limited. 

Our ESTHER Transit Task Force asks you to make calls on June 4 to ensure that the Joint Finance Committee  prioritizes public transportation, specialized transportation and our local roads in the state budget. They need to hear from us to make this happen. Make a call on Tuesday, June 4!

Whom to Call:

Joint Finance Committee Chairs:
-Representative Nygren (Co-Chair): 608 266 2343
-Senator Darling (Co-Chair): 608 266 5830


What to Say:

Download the attached script and use it to plan your call.

Let us know:

RSVP here for a reminder and a copy of the script.

Special opportunity: Next Monday, June 3, from 9:30 to 10:00 am, Josh Dukelow’s “Fresh Take” program on WHBY will feature ESTHER representatives Penny Robinson, Linda McRae and Connie Kanitz discussing the state budget and transportation funding. Catch the interview on 1150 AM, 103.5 FM and 106.3 FM.

Up for another call? Call your legislators, too!

Lights for Liberty Fox Valley, WI

Friday, July 12, 2019 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Houdini Plaza, 111 W College Ave, Appleton

Lights For Liberty: A Nationwide Vigil to End Human Concentration Camps

We are a coalition of people, many of whom are mothers, dedicated to human rights, and the fundamental principle behind democracy that all human beings have a right to life, liberty and dignity.

We are partnering with international, national, regional and local communities and organizations who believe that these fundamental rights are not negotiable and are willing to protect them.

On Friday July 12th, 2019, Lights for Liberty: A Vigil to End Human Concentration Camps, will bring thousands of people to locations worldwide as well as to concentration camps across the country, into the streets and into their own front yards, to protest the inhumane conditions faced by migrants.

More info at:

We The People

Tuesday, August 20, 2019 - 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 2600 E Phillip Ln, Appleton

United to Amend - We The People“You Get the Government You Deserve”
Thomas Jefferson

Americans know that “We the People” are no longer represented by our politicians. ESTHER and Citizen Action of Wisconsin invite you to attend a presentation by George Penn of United to Amend to talk about why we have lost our democracy to the corrupted big-money system and how we can Fix This!

Unlock the Vote Forum

Monday, September 16, 2019 - 6:00pm
Fox Valley Technical College, 1825 N Bluemound Dr, Rm HS114AB (Ent. 16), Appleton

Unlock the Vote / WISDOM logosToo many people have been removed from or been denied access to the electoral process. We want to make sure that every citizen in Wisconsin is able to vote.

Currently, our state denies voting rights not just to those people currently locked up, but also to those who are on probation, parole, and extended supervision. That is approx. 68,000 people in our state who are locked out of the electoral process!


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