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ESTHER: Celebrating 20 Years!

Justice, Hope and Action

Events we're highlighting as part of our twentieth anniversary

ESTHER Annual Covenant Gathering - Thursday, April 29th at 7:00 PM

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Each year congregations working with ESTHER come together to celebrate the work that we have done over the past year, to welcome in new congregations, and to commission ourselves for another year of faithful social justice work. Join us on Thursday, April 29th at 7:00 PM at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Menasha.

ESTHER 2011 Spring Gathering

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 Click here to download and print flyer




Legislative Action Day Videos Available

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Crowd walking from church to CapitolThree stirring videos from 2011 Legislative Action Day, held in Madison on March 15, are now available on ESTHER's YouTube channel – rousing talks by Rev. Steve Savides from First Congregational U.C.C., Appleton; Rev. Willie Brisco, president of MICAH, Milwaukee's WISDOM affiliate; and ELCA Bishop Bruce Burnside.


More than 400 people, including 35 from ESTHER, participated in the event, which was organized by the Wisconsin Council of Churches, WISDOM, Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin, and Madison-area Urban Ministries. We were inspired, we learned, we rallied, we marched, and we visited with legislators to ask that our values as people of faith be respected in the shaping of public policy for our state.

Speak Up for Justice at Wisconsin Budget Hearings

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Wisconsin's BudgetLet Your Voice Be Heard

Joint Finance Committee Budget Hearings April 7 in Stevens Point!

Tell the Committee That the Budget Must Support Social Justice!

When: Thursday, April 7 at 10:00 AM – SAVE THIS DATE

Where: The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Lee Dreyfus Center

Read more…

Joint Finance Committee Public Hearing on the WI State Budget

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 New location of Joint Finance Committee Hearing - Neenah!

10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
April 13, 2011
Pickard Auditorium, Neenah High School

Speak out for a just state budget! 

We will all be impacted by the proposed state budget.  Those that will sacrifice the most are those that are the most vulnerable in our midst.  The poor and working low-income families, students, seniors, immigrants, and those in need of health care will see dramatic cuts to service.  At a time where we need a focus on jobs to increase the quality of life, we call for our state legislature to consider first the quality of life for the those with the most to lose. 

If you can’t attend, please consider making a written statement (click here) for us to give to the committee.  To read WISDOM's statement on the budget, click here and visit the website Pray for Justice in Wisconsin.


Click on link above to watch an interview of ESTHER leader Penny Robinson during the Joint Finance Committee hearing in Stevens Point held on April 8th.

Say Yes to Transit!

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Transit Summit: August 11th 4:00-5:00 PM

Public Event Sponsored by ESTHER (Fox Cities) and JOSHUA (Green Bay)

Confirmed participants in addition to other community leaders include:

Congressman Reid Ribble & Congressman Tom Petri



  • Do you ride the bus to work or to school?
  • Do your children or your neighbors' children ride the bus to school?
  • Do any of your employees ride the bus to work?

If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, you should attend the "Say Yes to Transit" event on August 11th

Public transit is vital to a strong community, to the economy and to those who depend on public transit as their mode of transportation. To learn about the threats to public transit in Green Bay and the Fox Valley, come to "Say Yes to Transit." 


Where: First English Lutheran Church at 326 East North St, Appleton

When: August 11, 2011 from 4:00 to 5:00 PM


Download the flyer (below) for more information. 

Broadcast Blues: corporate consolidation and the decline of objective reporting on TV

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Broadcast Blues movie poster

  • If you are think objective journalism has declined on TV, you are right!

  • If you are tired of propaganda masquerading as reporting on TV, you have lots of company!

If you want to know more about this problem and what you can do about it, join us at the Appleton Public Library for a free screening of the film Broadcast Blues and a discussion with filmmaker Sue Wilson. She is an award winning TV producer and radio personality, and she is a frequent contributor to the Huffington Post.

The presentation of Broadcast Blues is sponsored by ESTHER, The Fox Valley Unitarian Fellowship's Social Justice Ministry and the Appleton Public Library.

Where: the Appleton Public Library, 225 N. Oneida Street,

When: September 19 at 6:30 PM

Congressman Petri, Congressman Ribble Say YES to Transit! Click here for video.

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Congressman Petri and Congressman Ribble along with over 250 people have committed to Say YES to Transit!!


At the Say YES! to Transit event on Aug. 11, both Rep. Thomas Petri and Rep. Reid Ribble committed to support and work toward a solution to offer flexibility in federal transit assistance, where decisions on how funding is used is made at the local level. Petri has been a long-serving member of the House’s transportation and infrastructure committee and Ribble just recently joined this committee. 
They agreed to work with fellow members of congress to pass legislation that will allow for flexibility in operational funding that will maintain funds for the Valley Transit and Green Bay Metro systems.  Let's help them keep that commitment. 
The ESTHER transit task force meets on the Third Tuesday of each month, from 6:30-8:00 PM at First English Lutheran Church (326 East North Street) in Appleton. Contact us for more information.


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