Fox Valley Latinos/as need our help!
The past couple of weeks have been a tough battle to stop anti-immigrant and racist policies. Monday, February 13, thousands of Latino/a families, advocates and allies will come together in Milwaukee to speak out against these policies and to lift up the many ways the Latino community betters the lives of all Wisconsinites. The gathering is called A Day Without Latinos. People from all around the state are standing together with Latinos/as because we know our lives are interconnected.
We now have two full buses heading to Milwaukee from Appleton Monday morning. We are astounded by the outpouring of support! Local businesses, organizations, and individuals have come forward to help fund the buses, but we aren't quite there yet!
We are asking you—especially if you want to stand in support of this action but cannot make it to Milwaukee—to sponsor the second bus. We need to raise $300.
If you can give $10, $25, $50, $100 or more, you would be part of making this day possible!
Click below to give online by credit-card or sign up to show your support now and pay later.
Yes, I’ll Help! (click here)
Your gift is tax deductible. If we receive funds that exceed the cost of the bus, we will direct that additional support to Unidos por un Futuro Mejor in support of their work on leadership training and Latino organizing in the Fox Valley area.
As of Saturday morning, there are still a few places left on the second bus. Buses will leave St. Therese parish in Appleton at 7:55 am, returning to Appleton by 4:00 pm. Contact Basy at 920/739-1226 to reserve your place.
Muchas gracias for all you do to make ESTHER an organization that can be strong and flexible enough to quickly direct energy and funding into this critical work! Sí, se puede!