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ESTHER: Celebrating 20 Years!

Justice, Hope and Action

Events we're highlighting as part of our twentieth anniversary

Oshkosh ESTHER Task Force

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Tuesday, February 7, 2023 - 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 - 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Tuesday, April 4, 2023 - 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Tuesday, May 2, 2023 - 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Tuesday, June 6, 2023 - 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Tuesday, July 4, 2023 - 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Tuesday, August 1, 2023 - 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Tuesday, September 5, 2023 - 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Tuesday, October 3, 2023 - 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Tuesday, December 5, 2023 - 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Zoom and Various Locations in Oshkosh

Our Oshkosh ESTHER Task Force meets monthly to address issues of social injustice that uniquely impact the Oshkosh area. Anyone who is interested in the issues we focus on is welcome. Our task force meeting doors are always open!

Now meeting via Zoom and in-person at varying locations in Oshkosh!

For Zoom link and meeting location, contact Task Force Chair Jennifer Considine via the ESTHER website at Questions welcome as well.

Transit Equity Day 2023

Transit Equity (click for video)

Public Transit provides basic mobility for many in our communities. It is also essential urban infrastructure–just like roads, bridges, tunnels and utilities–that is crucial to the economic, social and environmental well-being of all our regions.

Everyone has a right to a public mass transit system that includes:


  1. Safe, reliable, environmentally-sustainable and affordable transit that is accessible to all, regardless of income, national origin, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, or ability.
  2. An affordable public transit system that reliably connects people in all communities to the places we need to travel: home, work, school, places of worship, shopping, health, and recreation, in as efficient, and timely a manner as possible. We must ensure that all communities have access to transit; no community should be left behind. Public transit in rural, less densely populated communities should be provided in any master transportation plan despite the special challenges that may present.
  3. Living wages, benefits, safe working conditions, and union rights for transit workers, including those who manufacture transit equipment, and access to family-sustaining transit jobs and training opportunities for people from underserved communities.
  4. A just transition for workers and communities who are dependent on our current automobile and highway-centered transportation system, to ensure that no one is left behind as we transition to a more public, accessible, and cleaner transit-based system.
  5. Rapid transition of our transit and school bus systems to electric, non-polluting buses powered by electricity from renewables.
  6. Safe, healthy and livable neighborhoods that are connected by public transportation and by bicycle pathways and sidewalks, and that are planned to expand safe access to transit and reduce single occupancy vehicle miles traveled.
  7. Dedicated and sustainable public funding for public transit.

Transit Equity Day 2023

Saturday, February 4, 2023 (All day)

Transit Equity (click for video)

Public transit provides basic mobility for many in our communities. It is also essential urban infrastructure–just like roads, bridges, tunnels and utilities–that is crucial to the economic, social and environmental well-being of all our regions.

Everyone has a right to a public mass transit system that includes:

  1. Safe, reliable, environmentally-sustainable and affordable transit that is accessible to all, regardless of income, national origin, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, or ability.
  2. An affordable public transit system that reliably connects people in all communities to the places we need to travel: home, work, school, places of worship, shopping, health, and recreation, in as efficient, and timely a manner as possible. We must ensure that all communities have access to transit; no community should be left behind. Public transit in rural, less densely populated communities should be provided in any master transportation plan despite the special challenges that may present.
  3. Living wages, benefits, safe working conditions, and union rights for transit workers, including those who manufacture transit equipment, and access to family-sustaining transit jobs and training opportunities for people from underserved communities.
  4. A just transition for workers and communities who are dependent on our current automobile and highway-centered transportation system, to ensure that no one is left behind as we transition to a more public, accessible, and cleaner transit-based system.
  5. Rapid transition of our transit and school bus systems to electric, non-polluting buses powered by electricity from renewables.
  6. Safe, healthy and livable neighborhoods that are connected by public transportation and by bicycle pathways and sidewalks, and that are planned to expand safe access to transit and reduce single occupancy vehicle miles traveled.
  7. Dedicated and sustainable public funding for public transit.

Housing Advocacy

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Learn a bit about some of the members of our housing advocate team!

  Jennifer’s Story JenAnn’s Story


On March 11th, ESTHER's Housing Advocates hosted a Forum on Housing for Oshkosh City Council Candidates

Watch it here! (sorry the audio was not great)

Passcode: @x9Sym.r


Oshkosh Housing Task Force

Posted in
Thursday, January 11, 2024 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Thursday, February 8, 2024 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Thursday, March 14, 2024 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Thursday, April 11, 2024 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Thursday, July 11, 2024 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Thursday, August 8, 2024 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Thursday, September 12, 2024 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Thursday, October 10, 2024 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Thursday, November 14, 2024 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Thursday, December 12, 2024 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Zoom and Various Locations in Oshkosh

Our Housing Task Force meets monthly to address issues of social injustice that uniquely impact the housing insecure people. Anyone who is interested in the issues we focus on is welcome. Our task force meeting doors are always open!

Now meeting via Zoom and in-person at Trinity Episcopal Church in Oshkosh!

For Zoom link and meeting location, contact us at Questions welcome as well.

Housing Task Force

Posted in
Thursday, December 14, 2023 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Zoom and Various Locations in Oshkosh

Our Housing Task Force meets monthly to address issues of social injustice that uniquely impact the housing insecure people. Anyone who is interested in the issues we focus on is welcome. Our task force meeting doors are always open!

Now meeting via Zoom and in-person at Trinity Episcopal Church in Oshkosh!

For Zoom link and meeting location, contact us at Questions welcome as well.

Oshkosh ESTHER Task Force Meeting

Posted in
Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Tuesday, September 3, 2024 - 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Tuesday, October 1, 2024 - 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Tuesday, November 5, 2024 - 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Tuesday, December 3, 2024 - 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Zoom and Various Locations in Oshkosh

Our Oshkosh ESTHER Task Force meets monthly to address issues of social injustice that uniquely impact the Oshkosh area. Anyone who is interested in the issues we focus on is welcome. Our task force meeting doors are always open!

Now meeting via Zoom and in-person at varying locations in Oshkosh!

For Zoom link and meeting location, contact Task Force Chair Jennifer Considine via the ESTHER website at Questions welcome as well.

Oshkosh ESTHER Task Force Meeting

Posted in
Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Zoom and Trinity Episcopal Church Parish Hall

Our Oshkosh ESTHER Task Force meets monthly to address issues of social injustice that uniquely impact the Oshkosh area. Anyone who is interested in the issues we focus on is welcome. Our task force meeting doors are always open!

Now meeting via Zoom and in-person at varying locations in Oshkosh!

For Zoom link and meeting location, contact us via the ESTHER website at Questions welcome as well.

Grate Complications: Stop Harassing the Homeless (Press Conference)


WHAT: Press conference addressing the treatment of our unhoused neighbors

WHEN: Thursday, Jun 6, 2024

2:30-3:00 PM 

WHERE: 448 Algoma Blvd

  Oshkosh WI, 54901

  (Outside the Orrin King Building)


                     First Presbyterian Church

CONTACT: Katie Olson, Lead Organizer of ESTHER

      920-267-2054 (call or text)

With shelters full and housing unaffordable, many of our Oshkosh neighbors are without a safe place to sleep. For many years, the green space outside the Orrin King building has provided a safe space for unhoused community members from Winnebago County. The grates outside the building provide a dry space throughout the year, and some heat during the harsh winter months. Many community members and employees from Winnebago County go out of their way to provide kindness, meals, beverages and other care items to them. 

Recently, there has been an increased police presence outside the Orrin King building and more requests and demands made for unhoused community members to “move along.” First Presbyterian Church offered to provide a safe space for unhoused community members, but have been told by the city of Oshksoh they are not allowed to provide this space. Once again, unhoused members of our community are told to “move along.” 

Yet, there is no open space for our community members to “move along” to in Winnebago County. Our city and county need to provide more support for unhoused members of our community and until they do, they need to stop asking folks to “move along” from the safe spaces that communities like First Presbyterian Church have willingly offered. 

On Thursday, June 6, at the Orrin King building, we have invited individuals who are unhoused, housing advocates, and religious and community leaders to share their recent experiences and responses to the challenging actions of local law enforcement.   ** Who are they being directed by and/or responding to?

Our hope, for this event, is to shape our community with compassionate measures that bring our community together, to uplift our unhoused neighbors while providing constructive guidance to our community leaders to do better together. “Move along” is not an acceptable solution!

Oshkosh ESTHER Task Force Meeting

Posted in
Thursday, July 25, 2024 - 2:00pm - 4:30pm
Zoom and Various Locations in Oshkosh

Our Oshkosh ESTHER Task Force meets monthly to address issues of social injustice that uniquely impact the Oshkosh area. Anyone who is interested in the issues we focus on is welcome. Our task force meeting doors are always open!

Now meeting via Zoom and in-person at Trinity in Oshkosh!

For Zoom link and meeting location, contact Task Force Chair Christopher Blake via the ESTHER website at Questions welcome as well.

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