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ESTHER: Celebrating 20 Years!

Justice, Hope and Action

Events we're highlighting as part of our twentieth anniversary

JOIN US! March 14th People of Faith, Madison Action Day

ESTHER members marching to the Capitol in MadisonPeople of Faith United for Justice is a day-long gathering to learn, discuss, pray and take action on justice issues such as prison reform, public transit, affordable housing, transitional jobs, and more. We gather at Bethel Lutheran Church in Madison for plenary sessions and lunch, followed by a march to the capitol and meetings with legislators.

Treatment Alternatives and Diversion Funding, the focus for 11x15, is one of the issues this day. Funding for transportation is another.

Read more, and then register to join us! click to register online | click to download registration flyer

Focusing on Our State Budget

Figure depicting state budget areaOur state legislature will soon take up the budget for the next biennium. The budget is where the rubber meets the road. Without funding to support programs, all we have is talk. Currently, ESTHER is focusing on securing adequate funding in two areas. Will you join us in advocating in support of these budget priorities?

Public Transit

Transit is important in our community to get people to jobs, medical appointments, school, shopping, community events, and more. The Wisconsin Transportation Finance and Policy Commission has recommended investing an additional $36.3 million annually over ten years to strengthen public transit in our state [click to read the report]. We support this recommendation.

We also call for restoration of transit funds cut from the state budget during the 2010-11 biennium. Restoring this 10% cut would bring the state's public transportation budget back to the 2009-10 level. Without the restoration, communities in the Fox Valley and throughout the state will begin feeling the effects in July of this year.

Prison Reform

Treatment Alternative Diversion (TAD) programs have proven their value and their cost-effectiveness in Wisconsin and around the country. Following the recommendation of the recent Health Impact Assessment (read more at, we are calling for $75 million to be appropriated for these programs.

Results of the Health Impact Assessment indicate that such an investment would reduce costs, reduce crime, increase recovery from addictions and mental illness, strengthen families, and improve economic opportunity. Prison is about four times more costly than TAD programs such as alcohol, drug, and mental health treatment courts.

Join us at Madison Action Day [click to learn more] on March 14 to help show your support for these prioritries.

Governor's Budget will Hurt Transit

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Transit IconGovernor Walker's budget proposal related to transit funding will adversely affect many across the state, especially those who depend on transit to get to work, seniors, and those with disabilities who seek self-sufficiency.  By removing transit from the transportation fund and cutting funding once again, Governor Walker is sending a clear message to transit users that they do not matter and that their mobility is not a priority for Wisconsin. More info below at [read more].

Inspiration Marks Madison Action Day 2013

Madison Action Day Podium on Capitol StapeMore than 900 People of Faith United for Justice from all around Wisconsin – including 80 from the ESTHER – traveled to Madison on March 14 to bear witness to the importance of social justice and to ask our legislators to support 1) funding for treatment instead of prison (11x15); 2) public transit; and 3) accepting federal funds to expand Medicare.

Transportation Summit July 26

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Don’t miss the Northeast Wisconsin Transportation Summit, being held in New London this coming Friday morning, July 26. The summit will focus on benefits, needs & future demands on public and specialized transportation services in Northeastern Wisconsin. Sponsored by the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission.

Calling for a fairer balance for local roads and transit options

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Move to a Better Balance for Wisconsin’s Transportation Needs

Community Presentation in the Fox Valley

Presented by the Move Wisconsin Alliance

Thursday, October 16, 5:00 PM

Thompson Community Center

  (820 W College Ave, Appleton)


A comprehensive, well-maintained transportation system is vital to our state and our local economies.  To thrive and grow, the Fox Cities and the surrounding communities need good local roads, efficient transit service, and safe access for pedestrians and bicyclists.  But state funding for local transportation needs has been declining for years and has resulted in deteriorating infrastructure, inadequate maintenance, and transit service cuts in many Wisconsin communities.

The Move Wisconsin presentation will explore the challenges we face, delve into funding issues, and offer thoughts on better balancing Wisconsin’s transportation priorities.

Come join us for a lively discussion about Wisconsin’s transportation future. Free and open to all.

Increasing Access to Transit

Increasing Access to Transportation:

What We Can Do A conversation and action planning session

Thursday, February 25 from 1-3pm

Goodwill Community Center (Neenah-Menasha Room)

1800 Appleton Rd, Menasha

What Will be Discussed:

  • Local efforts related to increasing access to walking, biking and transit, how we can share experiences and how we can work together
  • Actions community members and organiza ons can take together to make it easier for residents to get where they need to go
  • Latest information regarding any transportaon-related bills in the WI State Legislature and their impact on residents

RSVP at or

Click here to download a printable flyer.

Please share widely to all that may be interested!  Free and open to the public.

Equity, the Environment, and the Future of Transportation

Wednesday, November 29, 2017 - 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Fox Valley Technical College, Room A158

cars and bikes sharing the roadJoin us to hear elected officials, experts, and local activists discussing issues and opportunities for making transportation more equitable, accessible, and greener… in the Fox Valley and around the state.


Professor Laura Hartman, UW-Oshkosh Environmental Studies


Mayor Tim Hanna, City of Appleton
Alderman Joe Martin, Appleton Common Council
Connie Kanitz, ESTHER Transportation Task Force
Kim Biedermann, East Central WI Regional Planning Commission

  • How would you get to work, school, the doctor, or the store in Wisconsin if you couldn’t drive or afford a car?
  • Did you know that transportation alone accounts for almost one-third of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions?
  • New technology, aging seniors, and Millennials’ preferences are radically changing the future of transportation... is the Fox Valley ready?

Wednesday, November 29, 4 - 5:30 pm
Fox Valley Technical College, Room A158
1825 N Bluemound Dr, Appleton

FVTC is accessible by Valley Transit bus route 12. If you drive, park in the North Lot and use entrance 15. From there, room A158 is down the hall on the right side.

This event is hosted by ESTHER and WISPIRG (Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group)

Drivers’ Licenses for All Teach-In

Tuesday, April 23, 2019 - 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 2600 E Phillip Ln, Appleton

Drivers’ Licenses for All Teach-In


People without documents cannot get drivers’ licenses in Wisconsin. In 12 states and the District of Columbia, they can. Drivers licenses for all benefit all—ensuring safer roads, generating revenue for the state, and creating a thriving community.

The public is invited to join the Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Shared Sanctuary Committee and ESTHER’s Immigration Task force to learn more and to find out what you can do to support this effort. Voices of Hope Reader’s Theatre will start the evening, followed by a teach-in on this issue.

Free and open to the public. Donations will be accepted for Unidos!

For more information, please email or call 920-878-8370.

June 4 Call-In Day for Transportation

Transportation Gets to ...After years in which billions of dollars have been poured into highway expansion projects, Wisconsin’s transportation system is not meeting our needs. From crumbling local roads to dangerous bridges to public transit routes being closed, our local modes of transportation have suffered because of these misplaced priorities. Additionally, people with disabilities, those who are outliving their ability to drive and those who cannot afford cars are being left out of important opportunities because their transportation options are limited. 

Our ESTHER Transit Task Force asks you to make calls on June 4 to ensure that the Joint Finance Committee  prioritizes public transportation, specialized transportation and our local roads in the state budget. They need to hear from us to make this happen. Make a call on Tuesday, June 4!

Whom to Call:

Joint Finance Committee Chairs:
-Representative Nygren (Co-Chair): 608 266 2343
-Senator Darling (Co-Chair): 608 266 5830


What to Say:

Download the attached script and use it to plan your call.

Let us know:

RSVP here for a reminder and a copy of the script.

Special opportunity: Next Monday, June 3, from 9:30 to 10:00 am, Josh Dukelow’s “Fresh Take” program on WHBY will feature ESTHER representatives Penny Robinson, Linda McRae and Connie Kanitz discussing the state budget and transportation funding. Catch the interview on 1150 AM, 103.5 FM and 106.3 FM.

Up for another call? Call your legislators, too!

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