We who seek to express our faith values in political action understand that the state budget is a moral document. It determines how our shared resources are used. Our state budget's priorities testify clearly to our collective commitment to our values.
- Do we believe that we ought to provide every citizen with opportunities for a decent life? Look at funding for education and training.
- Do we believe that our criminal justice system ought to be humane and try to rehabilitate? Look at our funding for Treatment Alternative and Diversion programs.
- Do we believe that our communities should not exclude people because they are poor or handicapped? Look at our funding for public transportation.
As people of faith, we view the state budget through the lens of our faith values. We are called to use our values in judging our state's priorities, and we must take advantage of the opportunity provided by the debate over the budget to make our society better.
The prophet Micah proclaims, “What does the Lord require of you? To do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Isaiah tells us,
“... This is the fast I desire:...,
To let the oppressed go free,
To break off every yoke.
It is to share your bread with the hungry
And to take the wretched poor into your home.
When you see the naked, to clothe him,
And not to ignore your own kin.
Then shall your light burst through like the dawn
And your healing spring up quickly….”
Give Voice to Your Values; Take the ESTHER Bus to Madison on April 29!
Take the ESTHER Bus to Madison on April 29. Make sure your values are considered. Register Now