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Supporting ESTHER

ESTHER: Celebrating 20 Years!

Justice, Hope and Action

Events we're highlighting as part of our twentieth anniversary

Funding Sources of ESTHER

To do its work, ESTHER relies on financial support from

Thank you to our supporters!

We are grateful for grants made available through:

  • Capacity Building Grant from unrestricted funds within the Comunity Foundation for the Fox Valley Region

  • Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

  • Southeast Outagamie County Chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Care Abounds in Communities


Support ESTHER through Alternative Gifts

package with red bowAre you a person who’s “hard to buy for” at holiday time or on birthdays or other special occasions? You already have all the shirts, ties, scarves, slippers, motorized shoe polishers or battery-powered wine openers you need. And you hate fruitcake.

More and more, people are turning to “alternative gifts” in situations like these.

ESTHER would love to be the recipient of alternative gifts made in your honor.

Please suggest to your friends and family that they visit

UNLESS someone like you cares ...

UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, it's not going to get better. It's not.

ESTHER cares. So do you.

Together, we can help things get better!

Support ESTHER

Become a Monthly Sustainer: Our Work Takes Time …

Bringing justice and equi­ty to our society will not happen overnight, or even in a year or two.

We love “quick wins” as much as anyone … but in our work toward systemic change, they are few and far between.

For example, Oshkosh Common Council’s February 2020 decision to fund free busing for Oshkosh Public School students came about only after a sustained campaign over more than four years by ESTHER Oshkosh and other groups. Today, the COVID-19 pandemic is bringing the fault-lines in our society into even sharper relief, and it seems the globe will be dealing with the virus’s effects for years.

ESTHER has shown that it has the ability, working within networks and alongside partners, to bring about important, needed change. It is even more important in these times for us to be able to main­tain our effort over the long haul. That is why we need a de­pen­dable fi­nan­cial base.

Monthly Sustain­ers pro­vide fund­ing we can count on for the long run … through automatic month­ly con­tri­bu­tions (of $10 or more) from their check­ing or savings account.

We invite you to become a Monthly Sustainer of ESTHER. Just download this form, fill it out, and mail it to ESTHER, PO Box 784, Neenah, WI 54957.

Thank you!

This #GivingTuesday, Your Gift to ESTHER Can Be Doubled!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019 (All day)

Giving Tuesday LogoHelp ESTHER gain $10,000 in additional financial support this #GivingTuesday!

Help us build our financial strength as an organization, so that we can be a force for positive change in our community for years to come.

We have just received a $5,000 challenge grant that will match new or increased contributions we receive in the remainder of 2019. (Read about how the challenge grant works here.) Now we need all hands on board to claim this wonderful challenge. And we're counting on you! 

ESTHER is a grass-roots, interfaith social-justice organization working throughout Wisconsin’s Fox Valley to share hope, strengthen community, and act on issues of injustice. Within our $90,000 annual budget, we support a full-time organizer and part-time office assistant, train members to work for systemic change on issues that matter to them, host public events on topics of common concern, and collaborate with other Wisconsin organizations focused on positive change.

We want to build our financial strength as an organization so that we can train more leaders, partner with more non-profits, build stronger relationships with elected officials and policy makers, communicate better with the people of the Fox Valley and beyond, and bring about more positive change.

Will you consider supporting ESTHER this #GivingTuesday?

  • Help us claim the full amount of this challenge
  • Help keep us strong financially so we can keep on building community, sharing hope, and standing for justice in the coming months and years.

Yes, I'll Help!

Help ESTHER Double Its Impact

Help ESTHER Double Its Impact!

Prison Reform Sidewalk OutreachThere are only a few days left in 2019 for ESTHER to claim the full $5,000 challenge grant we have been awarded. The grant will double the amount for new contributions we receive in the remainder of 2019, but we can only do it with your support.

In these times, when there are so many negative challenges, it’s wonderful to have this positive challenge—an opportunity to help make ESTHER stronger for the work of the future.

Through this challenge grant, we want to build our financial strength as an organization so that we can train more leaders, partner with more non-profits, build stronger relationships with elected officials and policy makers, communicate better with the people of the Fox Valley and beyond, bring about more positive change.

Now beginning its 16th year, ESTHER has an impact far out of proportion to its modest finances. Within our $90,000 annual budget, we support a full-time organizer and part-time office assistant, train members to work for systemic change on issues that matter to them, host public events on topics of common concern, and collaborate with other Wisconsin organizations focused on positive change.

Will you help us do more, by responding by December 31 to this challenge grant opportunity?

Yes, I'll Help!

See our progress here.

Make Holiday Giving Easy for Your Loved Ones

package with red bowWould you like to make holiday giving really easy for your loved ones?

When they ask you what you’d like, instead of saying…, “Oh, I'd love a Christmas tie!”…how about saying, “Would you donate to ESTHER? It’s an organization I love, and the contribution will help us continue working to make our community a more just place for all!”

It’s a win-win-win: Your family members don’t have to leave their homes to shop; you have the satisfaction of sparking a contribution to an organization that you love; and ESTHER receives funds that will support our work to bring the beloved community closer.

We would love to be the recipient of holiday gifts in your honor from your friends, family, co-workers. Would you consider suggesting that they contribute in your honor to ESTHER at holiday time? Just send them to

Donate Now

2019 Challenge Campaign a Great Success - Thank You!

Note: This story has been revised to correct an error in the amount received in response to the challenge.

Challenge Succeeds--Thank You!Wow! THANK YOU to all those who contributed to the 2019 ESTHER challenge match campaign, which ended on December 31.

When everything was counted, during the last quarter of 2019, 60 people either made new contributions or increased their support 2019 ESTHER Challenge results bar graph: Goal $5,000; Received: $7,028during 2019 over 2018, for a total of $7,028—40 percent more than the goal!—in response to the $5,000 challenge pool!

We are so grateful for such an amazing response to this campaign during these challenging times. Your support helps ensure we can have even greater impact as we work to share hope, build community, and stand for justice.

2020 Auction Preview Begins

Monday, October 26, 2020 - 8:00am

2020 Online Auction preview …

  • Review the items available for bids
  • Create an account on the auction site so you can bid when the auction opens on October 29


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