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Issues & Actions

What are Task Forces?

Task forces are action groups that plan and implement activities and events to evoke positive change in our community.  Issues we address arise from the voices of those in our community and are supported by our member congregations.  If you have interest and wish to become involved with our task forces, please send us a message using the contact form for each task force (links below), or give us a call at 920-843-8083. For dates and locations of task force meetings, including unusual meeting times and locations, see our calendar.

Transformational Justice Task Force

The ESTHER Transformational Justice Task Force strives to reduce the number of people in county jails and state prisons by

  • Supporting safe community alternatives
  • Encouraging humane treatment of people
  • Supporting individuals as they return to their communities

“We can’t punish people into being healthy. We need for families to stay intact and for offenders to be responsible to their communities. We are all better off when people can be healed and made whole through these effective programs that bring accountability to the offender and to the community. Alternative treatment programs work better than incarceration.”

Place: St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 140 S. Green Bay Rd., Neenah. Leave us a message at for questions or to be added to the mailing list.
Time: 6:00 PM on the First Monday of each month

Oshkosh ESTHER Task Force

Our Oshkosh ESTHER Task Force meets monthly to address issues of social injustice that uniquely impact the Oshkosh area. Currently we are working to understand the lack of affordable housing in Oshkosh and Winnebago County. Anyone who is interested in the issues we focus on is welcome. Our task force meeting doors are always open!

Place: Meeting in person and via Zoom. For Zoom link and meeting location, contact Task Force Chair Jennifer Considine by leaving a message at

Time: 2:30 PM on the Second Thursday of each month

Mental Health Task Force

Monthly meeting discussing issues and working for change related to mental health services, criminal legal system, child welfare, and related topics.

Place: Online meeting via Zoom. Leave us a message at for Zoom link or questions
Time:  6:00 PM on the fourth Monday of each month

Immigration Task Force

This task force works to address issues related to immigration, specifically those affecting the Latino/a population in the Valley.  In addition to national comprehensive immigration reform, our task force is working locally in two areas: the allowance for Wisconsin state driver’s certificates for resident undocumented workers, and in-state tuition rates for all residents of Wisconsin meeting the academic guidelines for acceptance into our state's public universities, colleges and technical schools.

Place: Online meeting via Zoom. Leave us a message at for Zoom link or questions
Time: 6:30 PM on the third Tuesday of each month

Equity and Racial Justice Committee

A group of concerned citizens dedicated to equity for gender, race, sexual orientation, etc.

Place: Online via Zoom. Leave us a message at for login information.

Time: 11:00AM on the second Monday of each month

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