Join the Summit: Informational Strategy Session on Wisconsin's Judicial & Correctional Policies
When: Tuesday, September 1st
Time: Presentation Workshops 1:00-5:00pm; Award Dinner 5:00-7:00pm
Location: First United Methodist Church, Madison (203 Wisconsin Avenue)
Join us in a discussion and action on State and County judicial and correctional policies. Three panel discussions followed by workshops in the area of proposed legislation for OWI offences, effective use of $10 Million Becky Young Community Justice Fund, and adequate funding and programming for Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD).
Guest Presenters:
Senator Lena Taylor
Representative Gordon Hintz
Walter Dickey, Dean Law School
Jerry Hancock, Prison Ministry
Wendel Hruska, Project Return
Mike Olig, Safe Streets Program
Marilyn Walczak, Justice 2000
Brenda Wesley, NAMI Milwaukee
Conor Williams, MICAH
Dinner and award reception including the Madison Church Choral Group will follow. Register in advance, call the WISDOM Office at 414-831-2070 or email Registration cost $15 for meal and materials. Scholarship available.
Sponsored by Wisconsin Organizations in Support of Treatment Instead of Prison.
For additional information, contact Joe Ellwanger: 414-736-2480.
Click here to view event flyer.