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Help ESTHER Double Its Impact

Help ESTHER Double Its Impact!

Prison Reform vigil at Governor’s Mansion

With less than a day left in 2021, time is running out for ESTHER to claim a $5,000 challenge grant that can double new or increased contributions received before December 31.

We’re very close to claiming the entire $5,000 challenge, thanks to generous support from so many friends of ESTHER. But we’re not there yet!

Your gift today can help put us over the top. Will you consider financial support of ESTHER before midnight tonight, Friday, December 31?

Yes, I'll Help!

In these times, when there are so many negative challenges, it’s wonderful to have this positive challenge—an opportunity to help make ESTHER stronger for the work of the future.

For 17 years, ESTHER members have been working tirelessly to tackle the challenges that face us in building a better world: challenges like racism, mass incarceration, childhood poverty, unfair immigration laws, lack of adequatePeace Tree Planting in Appleton, fall 2021 public transportation … and so many more. We tackle these challenges by working WITH people who are most affected by them. We raise up, train and support leaders in their communities. We advocate for systemic changes that make our community better for everyone who lives here. We educate the public through forums, films, speakers, and other events. We educate ourselves through intensive self-study and reflection.

ESTHER has an impact far out of proportion to its modest finances. Within our $95,000 annual budget, we support a full-time organizer plus a part-time office assistant and communications coordinator. We train members to work for systemic change on issues that matter to them, host public events on topics of common concern, and collaborate with other Wisconsin organizations focused on positive change.

Will you help us, by responding to the year-end challenge grant opportunity we have just received? This grant will double the amount of any new contribution to ESTHER by December 31. (See our progress here.)

Yes, I'll Help!

Help Us Confront
These Challenging Times

Protect the Menominee RiverWill you help us build our financial strength as an organization, so that we can be a force for positive change in our community for years to come? Here’s how!

Missing and Murdered Women, Girls and 2-SpiritsSome close friends of ESTHER have challenged us to secure more in contributions than ever before. The “challengers” know that we can’t build community and challenge injustice effectively over the long run without a solid financial base.

So, for the remainder of 2021, for every new dollar given to ESTHER the challengers will contribute an additional dollar, up to $5,000 in all. Read more about the terms of the challenge grant and see our progress here.

Then please make your gift: Click on the button below. Or send us a check postmarked by December 31.

Count Me In!

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