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Walk in our Shoes: Understanding the Latino Experience

Tuesday, October 30, 2018 - 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Memorial Presbyterian Church, 803 E College Ave, Appleton

Walk in our shoes

A workshop to experience challenges faced in the daily life of Latino/a immigrants of the Fox Cities,
with community conversation & information
to increase cultural sensitivity & awareness of immigration issues.

Open to the public and free of charge. Advance registration required - deadline extended!

Register by October 29th 20th — Space is limited:

Event is limited to 50 participants. If you register and then need to cancel, please let us know so we an notify the wait-list.

Sponsored by:

ESTHER - World Relief - Thrivent Financial - Memorial Presbyterian Church - Dignity & Respect - Menasha Pub Libr - Stronger Together Fox Valley - Volunteer Fox Cities

Help spread the word - download and distribute the attached flyer!

Latino Simulation October 30, 2018 FLYER342.88 KB
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