Treatment Alternatives and Diversion Funding, the focus for 11x15, is one of the issues this day!
People of Faith United for Justice is a day-long gathering to learn, discuss, pray and take action on justice issues such as prison reform, public transit, affordable housing, transitional jobs, and more. We gather at Bethel Lutheran Church for plenary session and lunch, followed by a march to the capitol and meetings with legislators.
WHAT: People of Faith United for Justice, Madison Action Day
WHEN: Thursday, March 14th from 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
WHERE: Bethel Lutheran Church; 312 Wisconsin Ave, Madison WI
Travel with Us! Buses will be leaving at 7:00 AM from St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Neenah (140 South Green Bay Road). Park your vehicles in the parking lot on the further end from the church.
Keynote Speaker: Rev. Bryan N. Massingale
Professor of Theology at Marquette University, Milwaukee. He specializes in social ethics and teaches courses on Catholic Social Thought, African American religious ethics, liberation theologies, and racial justice. His approach to social ethics focuses upon the impact of religious faith as both an instrument of social injustice and a catalyst for social transformation.
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Click here to download the registration flyer.